An insight is generated by assisting the coachee to delve deep within his own thoughts and try to evaluate a situation by focusing on how best he can come out of it. The more the person introspects without getting into the detail and a whole lot of drama, there is a cent per cent chance that people arrive at a solution which had never crossed their mind. This is what Coaching brings about…The ability to help people structure their thoughts vocally, to be able to deal with them deep inside and to come out with an “insight”.
An insight is momentary unless it is tapped immediately and converted to action. We all have insights through the day, while at work or at home…however, every insight does not move into an action plan as there are other thoughts that cross the mind all at the same time.
It is this tapping of the momentary thought that completely enables the coachee to move forward and full force. This is done by the technique of questioning powerfully and being honest to oneself and like Buddha said – “Look Within!”.